Project Description
Another work in progress is AccountVault which is basically a CMS for App/Games/Software developers. They have a control panel where they can control the sites & App/Games/Softwares vital functions. This will also come with an API which is compatable with Unity Software.
Control Panel includes:
- Activate/Deactivate the use of system emails. Email verifications etc.
- Login/Register features can be deactivated/activated.
- Valid IP detection system with IP verification on detecting a new IP for the account.
- Client HWID system with HWID verification on detecting new HWID.
- Account Managment - Edit, Delete, Create.
- And more!
As of this moment I can only show you what Im working on but I'm NOT letting anyone inside since I'm currently working on this project.
NOTE: This project may be displaying wierd text or behaviours sometimes. This is most likely due to me debugging, fixing or something is un-finished.